Pick a Pigeon
Displayed as part of a group show ‘Pigeon fanciers’ at Sett Studios March 2024. This work delves into the historical and cultural connections between humans and pigeons. It examines their ancient role as messengers in the Egyptian pigeon post, which was established around 3000 BC, as well as their continued presence as racers and pets in modern society.
Inspired by my North East background, where pigeons were a part of working-class culture, the work also delves into Edinburgh's "Doomen" and their competitive pigeon seduction practices. These "Doomen" meticulously groom and dye their pigeons to attract mates, hoping to lure them back for capture and potential resale. This unusual tradition essentially involves accepted pigeon kidnapping.
The resulting piece is a replica of a photo from a National Geographic article, featuring a pigeon box and pigeon heads crafted from porcelain. The work aims to showcase the pigeon in its carrying box, symbolising its historical and modern role in human culture, intertwined with a touch of playful myth-making.